M. Kato, Y. Maeno, T. Fujita, "Variation of temperature-linear specific heat with doping in (La1-xSrx)2 CuO4," Physica C, 152 (1), 116-120, 1 March 1988.
T. Fujita (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University): "We measured the specific heat coefficient of this material by changing the density of strontium. The specific heat coefficient is important to the study of the mechanism of superconductivity, so this is a hot subject. This paper also continues debate over a prediction based on other data. The model predicts that the specific heat coefficient stays non-zero, even if a compound is superconducting. But we found that above the critical concentration of strontium, the specific heat coefficient decreased. While we could not prove that the coefficient was zero, it approached zero."