Information technology is playing an increasingly significant role in all facets of today's world, including scientific research. The National Science Foundation recently announced a new research collaboration to develop software that automatically tunes network protocols in computer operating systems to fully exploit available network bandwidth. NSF has given a three-year, $2.9 million award to the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and the National Center for Supercomputing. "The purpose of this effort is to improve end-to-end performance for application scientists without them having to be advanced network researchers," says Aubrey Bush, division director, Division of Advanced Networking Infrastructure and Research, NSF. The goal is to give scientists desktop access to transmission rates of 100 million bits per second (Mbs). According to NSF, while many researchers have access to networks with peak performance of 100 Mbs or greater, actual rates may be much lower due to inefficiency related ...
Profession Notes
Boosting Network Performance Information technology is playing an increasingly significant role in all facets of today's world, including scientific research. The National Science Foundation recently announced a new research collaboration to develop software that automatically tunes network protocols in computer operating systems to fully exploit available network bandwidth. NSF has given a three-year, $2.9 million award to the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, the National Center for Atmospher