Sensory Experience Shapes a Growing Brain: Regulation of Sensory-Dependent Circuit Refinement by TWEAK/Fn14 Cytokine Signaling from thescientistllc on Vimeo.
Sensory experience sculpts neural connectivity via cellular and molecular mechanisms that are still largely unknown. Through a combination of single-cell transcriptomics, structural analysis, and electrophysiology, Dr. Lucas Cheadle and colleagues identified the secreted cytokine TWEAK and its receptor Fn14 as important regulators of sensory-dependent synaptic remodeling. Hear from Cheadle about his use of multiplexed mRNA detection in situ with spatial resolution to reveal temporally coordinated, experience-dependent expression of TWEAK in microglia and Fn14 in excitatory neurons, suggesting that experience regulates circuit development by initiating complementary transcriptional programs in neuronal and non-neuronal cells. This webinar is sponsored by Advanced Cell Diagnostics.
Topics to be covered:
Lucas M. Cheadle, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow (Greenberg Lab)
Department of Neurobiology
Harvard Medical School
Courtney Anderson, PhD
Research Manager, Applications
Advanced Cell Diagnostics