The Effort Author: Ricki Lewis
It's little wonder that scientific conference planners say they must begin preparations months, and even years, before the big event. Planning a scientific conference is an enormous undertaking. While arranging for a cozy gathering of a few dozen scientists can usually be handled by a professor, student helpers, and an able administrative assistant, some conferences are so huge that dozens of companies, and hundreds of individuals, become involved in planning and running the show.
Massive Effort: Radiology Society executive director Delmar Stauffer runs a 60,000-attendee meeting, the "world's largest." Delmar Stauffer heads "the world's largest medical meeting." He is executive director of the Radiology Society of North America and plans its annual meeting in Chicago, which draws more than 60,000 radiologists and scientists. He must account for 370,000 square feet of exhibit space and a million square feet of meeting space, as well as deal...