Ricki Lewis's informative article "Protective Equipment Helps Ensure Safer Lab Environments" (The Scientist, Feb. 17, 1997, page 19) is full of accurate information all presented in an upbeat style. She gives credence to the informed notion that safety is a natural and inseparable part of science; that safe science depends upon knowledge, good sense, and preparedness. These characteristics are long known to be those of successful scientists.
The article also references several laboratory safety training videos produced by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). All are provided as a public service by HHMI to the scientific and academic communities. Complimentary copies of the safety training videos are available through an online form (http://www.hhmi.org/science/labsafe/videos.htm) or by writing to Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Office of Laboratory Safety, 4000 Jones Bridge Rd., Chevy Chase, Md. 20815-6789.
In addition to those listed in the article, HHMI offers Practicing Safe...