"The iceberg is beginning to break up, but there's still a lot of ice [out] there. It's very important that people not get the idea, OK, everything's fixed now, because it's not."
Susan Lindquist, director of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, on equal opportunities for female scientists. From The New York Times
"After years of drug development, it seems that the fortunes of the newest products in the erectile dysfunction market may be affected not only by advertising and sales calls, but by a game of football."
Amy Ridler, of the health research firm Isis, on why Viagra sales drop during World Cup matches. From The Daily Telegraph
"When elephants fly, you ought not to criticize them for being awkward."
Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D-ND), on why he hasn't criticized the Bush administration's plans for hydrogen energy research. From Nature