Florida: Regulation of genetically engineered plants and plant pest organisms through the Plant Industry Law.
Hawaii: Statute requires applicants for federal permits or approval of field testing of genetically modified organisms to submit copies of their applications to the Hawaii Department of Health.
Illinois: Law requires notification and review of release of genetically engineered organisms.
Maine: The legislature established a Commission on Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering in 1988 to serve in an advisory capacity to state government.
Minnesota: Passed a law in 1989 that went into effect in January 1991 requiring permits for release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment. In April 1990 the legislature approved a one-year ban on recombinant bovine somatotropin.
New York: Existing New York Public Health Law requires all people engaged in recombinant DNA activity to obtain a certificate or be affiliated with and act under the direction of a person or institution who ...