Conserving the Diversity of Life.
Woridwatch Paper 78. Edward C. Wolf.
Woridwatch Institute, Washington. DC,
1987. 54 pp. $4.
Considerable attention has been focused recently on the potential for degrading and destroying ecosystems (particularly tropical ecosystems) and the accompanying loss of species as a result of increased human activities. The controversy over the magnitude of projected species loss has caught the public’s attention. For those interested in a concise appraisal of the issues and data surrounding discussions on conservation of biological diversity, this well-referenced pamphlet summarizes a great deal of useful information. Its audience extends to the educated public, policy-makers and educators in schools, zoos and aquariums, botanical gardens, museums and conservation organizations.
On the Brink of Extinction uses several current publications as source material, including the March 1987 Office of Technology Assessment report, Technologies to Maintain Biological Diversity, edited volumes on conservation biology and extinction, and conference reports. It ...