ASHG IN NEW ORLEANS » Just over a year after Hurricane Katrina began forcing many conferences scheduled for New Orleans to relocate, the American Society of Human Genetics expects the Society?s annual meeting there, from October 9-13, to draw numbers comparable to previous years. Health officials will speak on identifying Katrina victims, and members can participate in outreach efforts to repair science education in New Orleans schools. For more, see
PROTECTING ANIMAL SCIENCE » In August, correspondent Stephen Pincock reported that some believe that researchers are winning the battle against animal rights activists. Discussion of these issues will continue at The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science?s annual meeting, from October 15-19 in Salt Lake City. For more on the meeting, see "Biting back at animal activists".
TALKING TRANSMITTERS » On page 40 of this issue, Nobel laureate Paul Greengard and Per Svennigson describe the involvement of a single ...