Rank Paper Citations 1 D.R. Rosen, et al., "Mutations in Cu/Zn 54 superoxide dismutase gene are associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis," Nature, 362(6415):59-62, 1993. 2 G. Pantaleo, et al., "HIV infection is 53 active and progressive in lymphoid tissue during the clinically latent stage of disease," Nature, 362(6418):355-8, 1993. 3 R.B. Ren, et al., "Identification of a 47 ten-amino acid proline-rich SH3 binding site," Science, 259(5098):1157-61, 1993. 4 J. Embretson, et al., "Massive covert 43 infection of helper T lymphocytes and macrophages by HIV during the incubation period of AIDS," Nature, 362(6418):359-62, 1993. 5 S.N. Putilin, et al., "Superconductivity at 41 94 K in HgBa2CuO4+d," Nature, 362(6417): 226-8, 1993. 6 D. Vetrie, et al., "The gene involved in 40 X-linked agammaglobulinemia is a member of the src family of protein-tyrosine kinases," Nature, 361(6409):226-33, 1993. 7 T. Sollner, et al., "SNAP receptors implicated 39 in vesicle targeting and fusion," Nature, ...
1993's Top 10 Papers: Superconductor Report Surfaces In Sea Of Genetics
Rank Paper Citations 1 D.R. Rosen, et al., "Mutations in Cu/Zn 54 superoxide dismutase gene are associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis," Nature, 362(6415):59-62, 1993. 2 G. Pantaleo, et al., "HIV infection is 53 active and progressive in lymphoid tissue during the clinically latent stage of disease," Nature, 362(6418):355-8, 1993. 3 R.B. Ren, et al., "Identification of a 47 ten-amino acid proline-rich SH3 bindin