In response to a commentary by Frederick K. Goodwin and Adrian R. Morrison ("In Animal Rights Debate, The Only Valid Moderates Are Researchers," The Scientist, Sept. 6, 1993, page 12), Neal D. Barnard states that he has been misinterpreted in regard to his statements about animal experimentation (Letters, The Scientist, Nov. 15, 1993, page 12).
No one has been misinterpreting Barnard's stand on animal experimentation, as his position is and has been crystal clear. As president of the egregiously misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, he wants to stop all use of animals in research and education.
He does not consider that research performed on animals is useful in promoting human and animal health and mistakenly calls for replacing all animal models with nonanimal models in testing and experimentation.
When thalidomide was approved in Europe for human use without extensive testing in animals, the tragic effects of the drug on ...