The sheer number of new protein-focused mass spectrometry (MS) instruments introduced last year is a testament to the growing importance of the technique in proteomics research. Coupled to this trend is a growing need for automation of upfront sample preparation to feed these analytical machines. From the specialized academic lab to higher-capacity proteomics core facilities and drug-discovery centers, researchers look to robotics to increase walkaway time, reduce human error, and increase throughput.
Many of the protein sample preparation processes have been automated, including gel imaging, spot cutting, in-gel digestion, and MALDI sample plate loading.1 Recently introduced automated devices such as the Advion BioSciences NanoMate™ 100 have made throughput bottlenecks like electrospray ionization (ESI) MS more efficient and less labor-intensive,2 and improvements to existing technologies, such as the new microfractionation capability offered by Agilent's 1100 series capillary HPLC system, increase the precision of MS analysis.3 And the market is expected to ...