University of Alaska marine scientist. John Kelley can hardly contain his enthusiasm as he talks about the current activities and potential of Sigma Xi, the scientific research honor society, to promote science. The branch—or “club”—of the society that he has led in the city of Fairbanks for the last two years sponsors college scholarships, awards for teaching excellence, student science fairs, and field place- ments for budding researchers in the 49th state. Last month it held a symposium on the undergraduate experience that featured, among others, a speech by the chancellor of the state university system.
“Whatever we do as researchers,” says Kelley, “we can also serve as role models for raising the public’s scientific literacy and encouraging students to pursue careers in science. And that’s just one of many things that Sigma Xi can do.”
Harvard physiologist Peter Valberg is also president of a Sigma Xi university chapter. But ...