Most-Cited Papers By Subject In Ecology/Environmental Sciences From 1981-94 |
Highly Cited Papers on Global Climate Change Published Since 1993 Ranked by total citations through 1995) |
Editor's Note: Ever since the 1992 Earth Summit conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the scientific community has sharpened its focus on biodiversity and global climate change and how it relates to all manner of disciplines, including biomedicine and public health. In this article from the September/October 1996 issue of Science Watch, Peter D. Moore, the newsletter's ecology correspondent, examines the shift in research emphasis-from ecosystem-based studies to work on biodiversity and climate-over the last 15 years in the field of environmental sciences. The Science Watch article (7[5]:1, 1996), which analyzes the rankings, is reprinted here with the permission of the newsletter and the Philadelphia-based Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), its publisher. For more information on the citation databases and information discussed... |
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