SAN FRANCISCO—A California court has awarded a $65 million en- dowment from the Buck Trust to begin a multidisciplinary research institute on aging.
The Buck Center on Aging, to be built in Main County, will be affiliated with the Berkeley, San Francisco and Davis campuses of the University of California system. The center expects to open in 1992 with a research staff of 60, including 15 senior researchers, and an annual operating budget of $4.5 million. The staff is expected to grow to around 30 senior researchers and 180 scientists.
Researchers in aging are enthusiastic about the new center. “A privately endowed research center on such a grand scale in a beautiful place, affiliated with a great university, is unprecedented,” said Harvard University gerontologist John Rowe. Several aspects of the center are particularly exciting, he added, including its interdisciplinary approach, the prospect of training many young research scientists and its ...