A. Lerman, B.S. Edwards, J.W. Hallett, D.M. Heublein, et al., "Circulating and tissue endothelin immunoreactivity in advanced atherosclerosis,"
Amir Lerman (Mayo Clinic, Ro-chester, Minn.): "It is clear that the endothelium is much more than a semipermeable barrier between the blood and the vascular smooth muscle. Indeed, the endothelial system must now be regarded as a highly active endocrine organ. The endothelium contributes to local vascular regulation by releasing vasodilating substances such as endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) with associated antiproliferative properties and releases as well vasoconstricting substances such as endothelin with associated mitogenic properties.
"A role for endothelial dysfunction in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis continues to emerge. We have recently investigated the role of plasma and tissue endothelin in humans with symptomatic atherosclerotic vascular disease requiring arterial revascularization. In this study, plasma endothelin concentrations were elevated in humans with advanced atherosclerosis, and correlate ...