Most cytometers are for analysis only, and are not equipped with sorters. Those that have sorters tend to fall into one of two very broad classes. Flow cytometers equipped with high-speed sorters are primarily used for "heavy duty" research applications. As a group, these instruments emphasize flexibility, making them adaptable for use in diverse research applications. They tend to have multiple, high-power lasers and are capable of simultaneously detecting and sorting based on multiple fluorescent parameters. Many offer modules for specialty applications, such as cloning or large particle sorting. In contrast, flow cytometers with low speed sorters primarily serve as workhorses in smaller-scale laboratories. These instruments are generally capable of detecting fewer fluorescent colors than their high-speed counterparts, but are less expensive to purchase and maintain.
In flow-based sorting, particles are either isolated or discarded based on predetermined criteria (light scatter and/or fluorescent emission parameters). Sorters can be broadly classified ...