P.L. Gammel, L.F. Schnee-meyer, D.J. Bishop, "SQUID picovoltometry of YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals: Evidence for a finite-temperature phase transition in the high-field vortex state," Physical Review Letters, 66:953-56, 1991.
David Bishop (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J.): "The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity has brought us a number of surprises. Before the discovery, condensed-matter physicists would have felt that our understanding of both microscopic mechanisms and the phenomenology of superconductivity were relatively complete. Today, it is clear that such a point of view was totally unwarranted. High-Tc superconductivity has shown us that we understood very little about super- conductors then, and today our understanding is only slightly better. Nowhere is this more clearly manifested than in the area of flux lattices in Type II superconductors. For a long time, it was thought that the dynamics of flux lines and lattices could be explained solely on the basis of thermal activation of a ...