Sidebar: 30 Nations Ranked By Citations Per Paper, 1992-1996
The Science Watch article analyzing the rankings (8[3]:1-2, May/June, 1997) is reprinted here with the permission of the newsletter and lSI, its publisher. For more information on the citation databases and information discussed in the article, contact Christopher King, editor of Science Watch, ISI, 3501 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104; (800) 523-1850, Ext. 1341. Fax: (215) 387-1266. E-mail: World Wide Web
European Union (EU) scientists now publish about as many papers as scientists from the United States, according to a new survey conducted by Science Watch. During the past 16 years, the EU's share of research papers increased from 30.5 percent to 36.2 percent, while the U.S. share fell from 40.5 percent to 36.5 percent. Also contributing to the decline in the U.S. world share is a dramatic increase in paper output by Asian and Latin American researchers. Clearly, ...