1. Find a champion. ?It?s very important to identify a Chinese senior scientist who is a good fit and is willing to look after you in the early days,? says Sarah Perrett, a principal investigator at the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Institute of Biophysics in Beijing. She has been working in China since 2000 and says her boss was a great help in the early days, when she had to navigate a whole new system in a foreign language. ?She gave me freedom to do science with limited [managerial] responsibilities,? Perrett says.
2. Plan ahead. ?Research equipment is often not made in China, so there are times when you buy something and it will sit in customs for three weeks,? says Alastair Murchie of the Institute of Biomedical Science at Fudan University, Shanghai. ?I think if you have a research program [that] you?re planning...