Somewhere, sometime, a long time ago, creatures came into being on this planet with enough intelligence to be called human. They could have evolved from existing life forms or could have been created in a single moment by a divine creator. A scientist who believes in a god-creator can accept either scenario. A scientist-atheist can accept the former.
All theist-scientists are then creationists. The only question is when the creation of human beings occurred, 18 billion or five billion or 4,000 years ago. Start your faith clock when you choose. There should be no reason for religion and science to be at odds here. Believe what you want. In common parlance, science is actually natural science. Religion, more properly theology, is supernatural science. Natural science studies nature and its laws; theology studies supernature and its tenets. Strictly speaking, creation is supernatural, breaking natural laws. Evolution, whatever its source, follows natural ...