Front Page | Gene Grounding; Tip Trove; Watson's Own Words
Courtesy of Joel Garfinkle | |
TIP TROVE | Don't Leave it, Love it
1. Expand what you love.
Identify the most enjoyable activities or projects of your job and fully incorporate them into your daily responsibilities.
2. Prioritize your most important activities.
Work smarter, not harder.
3. Create a professional support team.
Ask a helpful coworker, an inspiring mentor, a member of management, and a bright junior employee to be a part of your team.
4. Stay engaged and avoid stagnation.
Discover and explore lateral opportunities within your company.
5. Don't wait for the annual review to receive feedback.
Ask for positive feedback and recognition from your employer, colleagues, or supervisors.
--Joel Garfinkle is a professional coach, speaker, and author, and founder of Dream Job Coaching.
TRAINING @ | Gene Grounding
WHAT: Introduction to Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering
WHERE: Oxford...