Over the last several decades, a detailed description of the, fine struc " ture of cells and tissues has emerged, due in a large part to transmission electron microscopy (TEM). With improvements in microscope design, sectioning techniques, and fixation and staining methodology, scientists can now examine biological structures with nanometer resolution. In addition, regularly spaced structures, such as cytoskeletal polymers, can be described in molecular detail via electron diffraction.
Despite the power of conventional TEM, however, a number of technical limitations exist, which, to date, have placed restrictions on TEM as an analytical tool. Now it appears that some of these restrictions have been overcome by a new product from Carl Zeiss Inc., Thornwood, N.Y. The company has developed the EM 902, a unique energy-filtering electron, microscope that broadens the image analysis capabilities of transmission electron microscopy in the biological and materials sciences.
Electron microscopic images are generated by electron ...