This list of forthcoming books has been compiled from the latest information available from publishers. Dates of publication, prices and numbers of pages are tentative, however, and are subject to change.
Biological Science
DNA: Protein interactions and Gene Regulation. E. Brad Thompson and John Papaconstantinou, eds. University of Texas Press: May, 296 pp, $32.50. Discusses protein-DNA and protein-RNA interactions involved in the regulation of informational macromolecules in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems.
The Year of the Crab: Marine Animals in Modern Medicine. William Sargent. Norton: May 18, 192 pp, $14.95. Discusses the biological mechanisms utilized by marine animals for survival and ongoing research exploring medical applications at Woods Hole.
lnterindividual Behavioral Variability in Social Insects. Robert L. Jeanne, ed. Westview Press: June, 350pp, $38.85. Focuses on the phenomena of individual idiosyncrasy and plasticity within castes of social insects and discusses basic physiological and social mechanisms.
Earth Science
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (Volume 15). George W. Wetherill, ed. Annual Reviews: May, 595 pp, $44. Includes papers on geoarchaeology, marine magnetic anomalies and the collision hypothesis of the origin of the moon.
Alkaline Igneous Rocks (special publication of the Geological Society, no. 26). F.G. Fitton and B.G.J. Upton, eds. Blackwell Scientific: June, 900 pp, $100. Discusses current understanding of the origin and evolution of alkaline magmas, including information on such formations in East Africa, The Cameroons and Bolivia.
An Introduction to Ore Geology (2nd edition). A.M. Evans, ed. Blackwell Scientific: June, 336 pp, $45 HB, $25 PB. Designed for undergraduates, this textbook emphasizes the importance of mineral economics and includes chapters on fluid inclusions, geothermometry, and diamond and greisen deposits.
Evolution and Escalation: An Ecological History of Life. Geerat J. Vermeij. Princeton University Press: May, 504 pp, $44.50. An extended essay on the dynamics of evolutionary changes in organisms and their environment.
General Audience
Thinking Machines: The Search for Artificial Intelligence. Igor Aleksander with Piers Burnett. Knopf: May 26, 224 pp, $17.95. Discusses the differences between human and machine intelligence, following the development of Al over the past 30 years.
History of Science
Science, Philosophy, and Human Behavior in the Soviet Union. Loren R. Graham. Columbia University Press: June, 550 pp, $45. Covers the current state of Soviet scholarship, providing historical and intellectual background on developments in physics, cosmology, chemistry, cybernetics and genetics.
Toward a Livable World: Leo Sziiard and the Crusade for Nuclear Arms Control. Leo Szilard; Helen S. Hawkins and G. Allen, eds. MIT Press: May 8, 552 pp, $50. Recounts efforts by Leo Szilard, the physicist-turned-biologist once associated with the Manhattan Project, to influence public policy on arms control between 1947 and 1963.
Medical Science
Annual Review of Public Health (Volume 8). Lester Breslow, ed. Annual Reviews: May, 468 pp, $31. Includes research articles on malaria and its control, an analysis of youth suicide, and trends in tobacco consumption in the United States.
Philosophy of Science
Asymmetries in Time: Problems in the Philosophy of Science. Paul Horwich. MIT: May 22, 200 pp, $22.50 HB, $9.95 PB. Explores the relationships between time and the laws of nature, entropy, causation and rational choice.
Observer Mechanics. Bruce M. Bennett, Donald D. Hoffman and Chetan Prakash. MIT Press: May, 200 pp, $20. Proposes a formal theory of perception, replacing the Turing machine with the observer as the foundation for perception and cognitive science.
Science Policy
Promoting High Technology Industry: Initiatives and Policies for State Governments. Jurgen Schmandt and Robert Wilson. Westview Press: May, 250 pp, $35. Examines the implementation of science policies in eight states and the effects on advanced technology industries and the economy.
The Challenge to European Industrial Policy: Impacts of Redirected Military Spending. Bernard Udis. Westview Press: May, 166 pp, $23. Discusses regional development of science and technology industries as affected by European government strategies for redirecting military spending.
America the Vulnerable: The Threat of Chemical and Biological Warfare. Joseph D. Douglass Jr. and Neil C. Livingstone. Lexington Books: May 15, 256 pp, $19.95. Suggests that research on chemical and biological agents with military applications is proliferating outside the United States in the wake of recent advances in biotechnology.
Science Writing
The Craft of Scientific Writing. Michael Alley. Prentice-Hall: May, 240 pp, $27.95. Offers guidelines to scientists and engineers on increasing clarity and precision in technical prose and reducing the amount of time spent writing.
Social Science
The Biology of Moral Systems. Richard D. Alexander. Aldine de Gruyter: May, 323 pp, $34.95 HB, $16.95 PB. An interdisciplinary approach to the development of moral systems, incorporating elements of biology, evolutionary theory, anthropology and philosophy.
Social Theory and Modern Sociology. Anthony Giddens. Stanford University Press: May, 319 pp, $35 HB, $12.95 PB. Essays on current developments in social theory that explore the prospects for sociology in the coming decades.
Social Science Research and Government: Comparative Essays on Britain and the United States. Martin Bulmer, ed. Cambridge University Press: May, 400 pp, $49.50. Analyzes the impact of social science research on economic and so-cial policies in the United States and Britain.
Sex and Scientific Inquiry. Sandra Harding and Jean F. O'Barr, eds. University of Chicago Press: May, 304 pp, $25HB, $10.95 PB. A collection of essays on the social structure of science, biases within the discipline, and the misuses and abuses of science and technology.