Gilson has redesigned and expanded the range of its easy-to-use, PIPETMAN® M line of single and multichannel electronic pipettes. The pipettes now include guaranteed performance in repetitive pipetting mode and a programmable custom mode, enhancing results reliability.
For sensitive biological assays like qPCR, repeatable results depend on accurate, precise pipetting, but until now most pipettes only promise performance in one standard pipetting mode both for standard and repetitive tasks. Gilson now guarantees accuracy and precision of the PIPETMAN® M also in repetitive pipetting mode and ensures reliable performance from the first to the last aliquot. In the absence of ISO recommendations for repetitive pipetting mode for air-displacement pipettes, Gilson volumetric specifications for the repetitive mode are within ISO 8655-2 recommendations for standard pipetting.
Five pipetting mode options enables researchers to perform a large number of applications: pipet (standard), repetitive, mix, reverse and custom (personalized) with a fast access menu to ...