Edward J. Poziomek, former director of research, U.S. Army Chemical Research at the Development and Engineering Center at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., became Sigma Xi’s new executive director on December 1. Poziomek joined the society in 1961 and has served on the board of directors since 1976. His areas of research include surface chemistry, spectroscopy, physical-organic chemistry and organic synthesis.
Charles E. Hammer Jr., associate vice president for health affairs and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Virginia Medical Center, will become president of the North Carolina Biotechnology Center on February 1, 1988. Hammer will replace Richard J. Patterson, who resigned in December 1986. Roy E. Morse, retired vice president for research and development at R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc., is interim president. The Biotechnology Center is a non-profit corporation funded by the N.C. General Assembly.
The Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research named Richard C. Staples the ...