For this article, Eugene Russo interviewed Michael E. Greenberg, a professor of neurobiology and neurology at the Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Data from the Web of Science (ISI, Philadelphia) show that Hot Papers are cited 50 to 100 times more often than the average paper of the same type and age. F. Saudou, S. Finkbeiner, D. Devys, and M.E. Greenberg, "Huntingtin acts in the nucleus to induce apoptosis but death does not correlate with the formation of intranuclear inclusions," Cell, 95:55-66, Oct. 2, 1998. (Cited in more than 175 papers since publication) To identify potential therapeutic targets for Huntington's disease (HD), an inherited, dementia-inducing neurodegenerative condition, researchers need a better understanding of the role that huntingtin protein plays in cell death. Michael Greenberg's group at Harvard Medical School chose to investigate the underpinnings of HD cell death based on their research into the signaling pathways that inhibit cell death ...
HD Cell Death Mechanisms
For this article, Eugene Russo interviewed Michael E. Greenberg, a professor of neurobiology and neurology at the Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Data from the Web of Science (ISI, Philadelphia) show that Hot Papers are cited 50 to 100 times more often than the average paper of the same type and age. F. Saudou, S. Finkbeiner, D. Devys, and M.E. Greenberg, "Huntingtin acts in the nucleus to induce apoptosis but death does not correlate with the formation of intranuclear incl