A sampling of how you can use caBIG
I was at the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Intramural Program Scientific Retreat this past January listening to a plenary presentation by Cambridge University's Bruce Ponder, when a fascinating question caught my attention. Ponder described how variation in a gene called fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) is associated with breast cancer. Judah Folkman, a legend among cancer researchers, stood up with a question for Ponder: Has anyone looked at the role of endostatin in breast cancer susceptibility? Endostatin is part of the same network as FGFR2, he explained; moreover, endostatin is located on chromosome 21, and trisomy 21 is protective against breast cancer. Ponder replied that his group had never examined the endostatin locus.
As quickly as the session ended, I stepped up to a Web browser and connected to the online ...