P. Langacker, M. Luo, "Implications of precision electroweak experiments for mt, r0, sin2 qw, and grand unification," Physical Review D, 44:817-22, 1991.
Paul Langacker (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia): "This paper presents a systematic analysis of the implications of all high-precision electroweak experiments, including those at the new e+e- collider LEP at CERN in Geneva. It shows that our present `standard model' correctly describes nature down to a distance scale of 1/1000th the size of the atomic nucleus, predicts the mass of the yet-undetected top quark (124 40 GeV/c2), and compares the values of the determined interaction strengths with the predictions of grand unified theories. It is shown that the data are consistent with the predictions of supersymmetric unified theories, which are suggested by the possible unification with gravity and by superstring theories.
"The new high-precision data from LEP and here allow much more detailed tests of the predictions of ordinary ...