The articles listed below—all less than a year old—have received a substantially greater number of citations than others of the same type and vintage. A citation-backing algorithm of the Institute for Scientific Information has Identified these articles.
H.M. Cherwinski, J.H. Schumacher, K.D. Brown, T.R. Mosmann, “Two types of mouse helper T-cell clone: Further differences in lymphokine synthesis between Thi and Th2 clones revealed by RNA hybridization, functionally monospecific bioassays, and monoclonal antibodies,” Journal of Experimental Medicine, 166 (5), 1229-44,1 November 1987.
K.M. Evans, S.M. Hollenberg, “Zinc fingers: Gilt by association,” Cell, 52 (1), 1-3, 15 January 1988.
M.H. Frick, 0. Elo, K. Haapa. O.P. Heinonen, et al., “Helsinki heart study Primary-prevention trial with gemfribrozil in middie-aged men with dyslipidemia,” New England Journal ...