These papers were selected from multiple disciplines from the Faculty of 1000, a Web-based literature awareness tool
S.E. Williams et al., "Hemoxygenase-2 is an oxygen sensor for a calcium-sensitive potassium channel,"
It was known that [Big K+] channels are sensitive to oxygen, but the mechanism of sensing oxygen has remained elusive. It appears now that hemoxygenase-2 is in a complex with BK channels, and that carbon monoxide, a product of HO-2 activity, activates the channel.
- Ardem Patapoutian
A. Aharoni et al., "The 'evolvability' of promiscuous protein functions,"
It is always intriguing to see how nature succeeds to put new functions on old frameworks. In this paper, the authors suggest how a promiscuous protein function evolves without affecting the primary function.
- Gideon Schreiber
Y. Shi et al., "Histone demethylation ...