Paper No. of Citations J.M. Prober, G.L. Trainor, R.J. Dam, F.W. Hobbs, et al., "A system for rapid DNA sequencing with fluorescent chain-terminating dideoxynucelotides," Science, 238:336-41, 198755 J.D. Rodwell, V.L. Alvarez, C. Lee, A.D. Lopes, et al., "Site-specific covalent modification of monoclonal antibodies: in vitro and in vivo evaluations," PNAS, 83:2632-6, 198627 J.P. Sluka, S.J. Horvath, M.F. Bruist, M.I. Simon, P.B. Dervan, "Synthesis of a sequence-specific DNA-cleaving Peptide," Science, 238:1129-32, 198726 P.E. Thorpe, P.M. Wallace, P.P. Knowles, M.G. Relf, et al.,"New coupling agents for the synthesis of immunotoxins containing a hindered disulfide bond with improved stability in vivo," Cancer Research, 47:5924-31, 198722 T. Le Doan, L. Perrouault, M. Chassignol, N.T. Thuong, C. Helene, "Sequence-targeted chemical modifications of nucleic acids by complementary oligonucleotides covalently linked to porphyrins," Nucleic Acids Research, 15:8643-59, 198719 D.T. Reardan, C.F. Meares, D.A. Goodwin, M. McTigue, et al.,"Antibodies against metal chelates," Nature, 316:265-8, 198514 A.R. Fritzberg, P.G. ...
Landmark Bioconjugate Chemistry Papers*
Paper No. of Citations J.M. Prober, G.L. Trainor, R.J. Dam, F.W. Hobbs, et al., "A system for rapid DNA sequencing with fluorescent chain-terminating dideoxynucelotides," Science, 238:336-41, 198755 J.D. Rodwell, V.L. Alvarez, C. Lee, A.D. Lopes, et al., "Site-specific covalent modification of monoclonal antibodies: in vitro and in vivo evaluations," PNAS, 83:2632-6, 198627 J.P. Sluka, S.J. Horvath, M.F. Bruist, M.I. Simon, P.B. Dervan, "Synthesis of a sequence-specific DNA-cleaving Peptide,