M. Rosenbaum, M. Nicolson, J. Hirsch, S.B. Heymsfield, D. Gallagher, F. Chu, R.L. Leibel, "Effects of Gender, Body Composition, and Menopause on Plasma Concentrations of Leptin," Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 81:3424-7, 1996. (Cited more than 85 times since publication)
Comments by Michael Rosenbaum, associate professor of pediatrics and medicine at Columbia University.
The discovery of the obese (ob) gene by a group of investigators led by Jeffrey Friedman and Rudolph L. Leibel at Rockefeller University gave hope to millions of people struggling to lose weight. Early studies showed that leptin administration, as expected, corrected the increased food intake and low energy output of ob mutant animals. Higher doses of leptin produced weight loss in wild mice. When it was shown that most obese humans have high concentrations of circulating leptin and no evidence of mutations in their leptin genes, scientists began to wonder if some instances of obesity ...