S. Ghosh, A.M. Gifford, L.R. Riviere, P. Tempst, et al., "Cloning of the p50 DNA binding subunit of NF-kB: homology to rel and dorsal," Cell, 62:1019-29, 1990.
Sanker Ghosh (Yale University School of Medicine; formerly at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, Mass.): "NF-kB is a transcription factor that is widely used for the inducible expression of a large number of cellular and viral genes. This has resulted in the study of NF-kB by researchers interested in diverse areas such as cytokines, immune systems, and viral replication. Although NF-kB was discovered and characterized as early as 1986, and significant progress had been made in understanding its function and regulation, the extremely small amounts of protein that could be purified from cell extracts prevented further characterization and also frustrated attempts to clone it.
"Our eventual cloning of the gene, and our determining that the gene is a homolog of the Drosophila ...