Editor's Note: Following is Adrian Morrison's response to Marc Bekoff's letter.
Marc Bekoff would have liked me to focus on something other than the very real distortions in Animal Liberation, which are amply (but not exhaustively) treated by Sharon M. Russell and Charles S. Nicoll's paper (Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 211-2:109-38, 1996, with a rebuttal by Singer on pp. 139-46 and their reply to his rebuttal on pp. 147-54). Singer's attack is really on all invasive animal research, not some research, as Bekoff would have one believe. Unfortunately, Singer and his disciples are unwilling to acknowledge that those of us who believe it necessary and appropriate to use animals for the benefit of their fellow humans do so guided not only by their own ethical standards but also by governmental regulation. That process involves personal evaluation of the worth of a...