Editor's Note: Each year since 1993, the newsletter Science Watch has identified the preceding year's hottest scientists and research papers. Based on citation records compiled by the Philadelphia-based Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), analysts prepared the rosters for 1995. For the last three years, Bert Vogelstein, a molecular biologist from Johns Hopkins University, has accumulated more "hot papers" in one year than any other researcher. Molecular biologist Kenneth Kinzler, Vogelstein's Hopkins colleague, joined him in the top slot in 1995. "Hot papers" are research articles that have received a substantially greater number of citations-in this case, referenced between November 1993 and December 1995-than other papers in similar disciplines.
Science Watch's March/April 1996 article analyzing the rankings (7[2]:1, 1996) is reprinted here in part, with permission of the newsletter and ISI. For more information on the citation databases and papers discussed in the article, contact Christopher King, editor of...