The C4880 dual-mode, cooled charge coupled device (CCD) camera is designed for use in measurements requiring low light and high dynamic range as well as in photometry and precision still-image acquisition. It has a sensitivity of 10 lx to 10-7 lx and a resolution of 1 million pixels (1,000 x 1,018 pixels). The C4880 offers both fast- and precision- scan modes. It has an analog-to-digital conversion rate of up to 10 MHz per pixel. Its digital output of up to 16 bits is compatible with most frame-grabber and display hardware on the market. The camera may also be controlled by computer through its RS-232C serial interface.
Hamamatsu Corp., Bridgewater, NJ
Circle No. 138 on Reader Service Card
Version 2.0 of RFLPscan is a Windows-based software package for performing genetic analyses derived from DNA restriction fragment patterns, DNA fingerprints, protein typing patterns, and other identity-profiling gel images. It is able to ...