Labconco Introduces WaterPro HPLC/UF Hybrid Polishing Station
The WaterPro PS polishing station is designed for diverse applications requiring both high-performance liquid chromatography-grade and pyrogen-free ultrafiltered water. Type I water is dispensed from a cabinet-mounted valve, and pyrogen-free water is delivered through a gun mounted on the dispensing station. The system uses carbon filtration, deionization, organic adsorption, and ultrafiltration water- purification technologies. The ultrafilter periodically flushes itself to maintain total organic carbon values of less than 10 parts per billion, and an ultraviolet reactor eliminates trace bacteria. Water is produced on demand; therefore, no storage tank is used.
Labconco Corp., Kansas City, MO
Circle No. 153 on Reader Service Card
Multi-Channel Syringe Pipettes From Hamilton These four- and six-channel syringe pipettes are designed to transfer DNA samples by microplate row or column to sequencing gels, nylon membranes, or another microwell plate. These are offered in addition to the company's eight- and ...