DISEASE RESEARCH SUPPORT In response to a perceived need for increased clinical research funding, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation recently established the Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award Program. The Foundation will give $600,000 a year for five years to four research teams studying either cancer, AIDS, heart disease, or sickle cell anemia and related blood disorders. According to Alan Altschuler, the Foundation's acting program director for medical research, the clinical awards program is geared toward "bench to bedside" research involving scientists who are "seeking to convert scientific findings into real treatments for people." The grants are not meant to support specific research proposals, but rather to supplement the salaries and laboratory expenses of clinical researchers who are already receiving National Institutes of Health funding. They will only be offered to senior medical scientists at the 25 medical schools that receive the greatest amount of support from the NIH for ...
DISEASE RESEARCH SUPPORT In response to a perceived need for increased clinical research funding, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation recently established the Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award Program. The Foundation will give $600,000 a year for five years to four research teams studying either cancer, AIDS, heart disease, or sickle cell anemia and related blood disorders. According to Alan Altschuler, the Foundation's acting program director for medical research, the clinic