Rita Colwell GOOD-BYE ... ALMOST On July 10, University of Maryland bid a bittersweet "almost farewell" to Rita Colwell, who left the position of president of the university's Biotechnology Institute (UMBI) to become director of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Colwell's farewell to UMBI is only partial--she has committed herself to one day of research per week in her laboratory, where she studies, particularly, the bacteria that cause cholera. On hand July 10 to congratulate her and wish her well were friends and colleagues from the university, the biotechnology industry, government, and politics. Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and others lauded Colwell for her vision in the early 1980s that led to the establishment of Maryland as a world-class center for biotechnology. Colwell accomplished this feat by adding a total of six research centers to UMBI and by encouraging the growth of Maryland's biotech industry. Townsend declared that in ...
Rita Colwell GOOD-BYE ... ALMOST On July 10, University of Maryland bid a bittersweet "almost farewell" to Rita Colwell, who left the position of president of the university's Biotechnology Institute (UMBI) to become director of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Colwell's farewell to UMBI is only partial--she has committed herself to one day of research per week in her laboratory, where she studies, particularly, the bacteria that cause cholera. On hand July 10 to congratulate her and wi