Space biology research has found a home in cyberspace. Earlier this month the National Library of Medicine and National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced its new online resource-SPACELINE. Intended for clinicians and basic researchers in life science, the information service includes journal articles, technical reports, books and book chapters, conference proceedings and abstracts, bibliographies, and audiovisual materials. The database covers such areas as psychological and behavioral aspects of living in space; the effect of space on the physiology of biological systems; and applications of space biology for improving life on Earth. SPACELINE is available to holders of a valid NLM user code. An average search costs roughly $1.50, according to NLM officials. For access information, contact the NLM public information office, NLM, NIH, Bethesda, Md. 20894; (301) 496-6308. E-mail:
SMALL SUCKER: Steve DeWeerth examines computer chip that models one leech segment of a bioengineered model of the invertebrate.