NSF's Programs For Women
Author: Jane Zimmer Daniels, pp.13
I read the letter of Judith S. Weis (The Scientist, May 16, 1994, page 13) with regret that she is apparently not aware of recent, and very positive, changes in the National Science Foundation's educational programs for women. The information upon which she based her letter is no longer accurate.
In 1993 NSF established a new component in the Human Resource Development Division entitled "Programs for Women and Girls" (PWG), which is independent of the Career Access Program mentioned by Weis.
In fiscal year 1994 PWG will spend more than $6 million to fund 17 model projects (short-term intervention activities that directly affect young women); 10 experimental projects (comprehensive, collaborative projects to change the climate in a positive way for females in science, engineering, and mathematics); and three information dissemination activities (projects to disseminate information about women in science, engineering, and ...