Two mathematics professors based in France, Mikhael Gromov of the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IEHS) in Bures-sur- Yvette and Jacques Tits of the Collge de France in Paris, will share the 1993 Wolf Prize in Mathematics.
Since 1978, the Israeli-based Wolf Foundation has been granting four $100,000 prizes annually for individual achievements among the five fields of agriculture, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, physics, and the arts. No prize in medicine will be awarded this year. The prizes will be presented May 16 by Israeli President Chaim Herzog at the Knesset building in Jerusalem.
Gromov, who spends one semester a year teaching at the University of Maryland, College Park, is being honored for his work in symplectic and Riemannian geometry and the geometry of groups.
"The Wolf Prize is pleasant to have, but it's not the aim of my research," says Gromov, 49. "It's helpful to give us some publicity and ...