Your stories on cancer present well-rounded perspectives on cancer treatment.1,2 However, for targeting cancer incidence and mortalities, increased attention must be directed toward primary prevention of cancer, rather than most resources being centered on molecular and mechanistic biology, diagnoses, and treatment regimens. These issues are vitally important, but primary prevention has been too long proportionately neglected. Except for tobacco, and even there global public health attention to this disaster is woeful, there are few concerted efforts toward primary prevention of cancer and related diseases.
We endorse eating fruits and vegetables, exercise, physical activity, maintaining healthy body weights, eating suitable diets, avoiding sun exposures/artificial tanning, using screening diagnostic aids judiciously (PSA, mammograms, pap smears), and limiting consumption of alcohol/tobacco. Clearly, more must be done in other aspects of primary prevention: avoiding known/suspected environmental causes of cancers, and identifying additional causes. Too much attention and resources are geared toward molecular carcinogenesis and ...