THE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES EMERGING TECHNOLOGY MAJOR TECHNOLOGY ELEMENTS LIFE SCIENCES Biotechnology Bio processing, drug design, genetic enginnerring, biolelectronics Medical Devices/Diagnostics Cellular-level sensors, medical imaging, in vitro and in vivo analysis, targeted pharmaceuticals, fiber-optic probes MATERIALS Advanced Materials Structural and functional ceramics, ceramic and metal matrix composites, intermetallic and lightweight alloys, advanced polymers, surface-modified materials, diamond thin films, membranes, biomaterials Supersonductors High-temperatures ceramic conductors, advanced low-temperature conductors ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Semiconductor Devices Silicon, compound semiconductors, ULSI, memory chips, X-ray lithography Digital Imaging Technology High-definition systems, HDTV, large displays, data compression, image processing High-Density Data Storage High-density magnetic storage magneto-optical storage High Perfomrance Computing Modular/transportable software numerical simulation, neural networks Optoelectronics Integrated optical circuitry, optical fibers, optical computing, solid-state lasers, optical sensors MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS Artificial Intelligence Intelligent machines, intelligent processing of materials and chemicals, expert systems Flexible Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Computer-aided deign, engineering, and manufacturing; integrated control achitectures, adaptive-process control Sensor Technology ...
Research Progress Will Determine Future Of U.S. Economy
THE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES EMERGING TECHNOLOGY MAJOR TECHNOLOGY ELEMENTS LIFE SCIENCES Biotechnology Bio processing, drug design, genetic enginnerring, biolelectronics Medical Devices/Diagnostics Cellular-level sensors, medical imaging, in vitro and in vivo analysis, targeted pharmaceuticals, fiber-optic probes MATERIALS Advanced Materials Structural and functional ceramics, ceramic and metal matrix composites, intermetallic and lightweight alloys, advanced polymers