As a "biblical literalist" Christian and Ph.D. student in microbiology at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, I read with great interest your articles on science and religion [B. Goodman, The Scientist, Jan. 9, 1995, page 1; E. Scott, The Scientist, Jan. 9, 1995, page 12]. I expected the usual portrayal of Christians as nave and narrow-minded, but your articles were quite fair.
One point that was not mentioned is the dilemma that, if a Christian cannot take the Genesis creation account literally, then what can he or she take literally? A majority of Christians like myself believe that the Bible should be taken in its entirety, or not at all, and that it is very dangerous to exclude the parts we disagree with or do not believe. I also give God more credit than to think that we humans needed a bedtime-story version of creation instead of what really ...