The Lalor Foundation made the following research grants: Inhibition and reinitiation of spermatogenesis in rats: development of a male contraceptive. $20,000 to Johns Hopkins University; B. Zirkin
In vivo analysis of oviducal and uterine muscle during early pregnancy and its modification by drugs. $20,000 to University of Queensland; L. Martin
Characterization of platelet-activating factor receptors in rabbit uterus during pregnancy. $20,000 to University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; G.Kudolo
Purification of GnRH-like protein in human placenta. $20,000 to Yale University School of Medicine; H. Behrman
Antifertility agents on ATPases of male reproductive organs. $20,000 to Meharry Medical College; S.K. Das
Molecular mechanisms during the acrosome reaction in mammalian spermatozoa. $20,000 to AFRC Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research; R.A.P. Harrison
In vivo analysis of trophoblast and endometrium interaction at implantation in marmoset and guinea pig. $20,000 to Institute of Zoology, London, England; H.D.M. Moore
Biochemical ...