Below is a list of notable grants recently awarded in the sciences--federal grants as well as awards from private foundations. The individual cited is the project's principal investigator.
To develop assay for lethal food contaminants botulinal toxin and Listeriolysin O. $140,000 from North Carolina Biotechnology Center (NCBC), Research Triangle Park, to Elcatech Inc., Winston- Salem, N.C.; G.J. Doellgast.
For characterization of proteins bound to novel cell culture plate surfaces. $97,312 from NCBC to Flexcell Corp., Hillsborough, N.C.; A.J. Barnes.
Recipient of 1990 Lyndon Baines Johnson Research Award; funds will support work in RNA editing. $54,000 from American Heart Association, Texas Affiliate, Dallas, to Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, Texas; D.M. Driscoll.
For research on colon cancer, including the assessment of family histories and effects of lifestyles. $55,000 from American Cancer Society, Atlanta, to Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson; T. Bassford.
For scientific equipment used in cancer ...