How should one teach nonscience majors science? In the modern university, nontechnical majors are, almost by definition, majors in the fine arts, the humanities, or the social sciences. Graduates from nonscience/nontechnical programs will not find work in laboratories, nor will they wear white lab coats or be involved with technical apparatuses, manipulations, or calculations. Their interaction with science will be in their everyday world. They should experience science in their university courses in a manner and environment that are indeed relevant to their everyday world--which is not necessarily the world of science or engineering faculty.
"Science Without Walls: Science in Your World," a video-intensive telecourse, is designed as an integrated, coherent, interrelated science experience for undergraduates not intending to major in science or engineering. No such course or project has previously been attempted, to our knowledge, although the book by James Trefil and Robert M. Hazen, The Sciences: An Integrated ...