Even the most unreasonable postdoc is more reasonable than a two-year-old. And the distraction strategies you apply to a two-year-old work equally well in the lab. So being a mum has probably made me a better lab manager.
—Cambridge University molecular geneticist Fiona Watt, profiled in The Scientist (Jan. 2011)
We cannot escape the troubling conclusion that some—perhaps many—cherished generalities are at best exaggerated in their biological significance and at worst a collective illusion nurtured by strong a-priori beliefs often repeated.
—University of Alberta biologist Richard Palmer as quoted by Jonah Lehrer in “The Truth Wears Off: Is There Something Wrong With the Scientific Method?” (The New Yorker, Dec. 13, 2010)
Every single cell in nature is covered with a dense and complex array of glycans, which have a huge amount of information content. If [they] were not important, three billion years of evolution would have produced cells that are ...